Ont collaboré à ce numéro

 Amb Papa Louis Fall
 Boubacar Boris Diop
 Catherine Morand
 Cheikh Bamba Dièye
 Corinne Momal Vanian
 Electron Festival
 Femmes Exilées
 Khadim Ndiaye
 Khalifa Sall,
 Mairie de Thônex
 Mamadou Diouf
 Marguerite Contat Hi
 Marie-France de Meur
 Mme Karina Gueissas
 Taiwan Delagation
 Tim Clark

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Directeur de publication
· Elh Gorgui W NDOYE

Rédacteur en chef
· Elh Gorgui W NDOYE

Comité de Rédaction
· El hadji DIOUF
· Papa Djadji Guèye ·

Responsable Informatique
· Alassane DIOP

Responsable Gestion
· Cécile QUAN



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   1211- Genève 10 Genève Suisse.

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Smashing Electrons

Publié le, 31 mai 2011 par Erika Anderson

At worst, electronic music is repetitive and uninspired; at best, it’s fresh, catchy, and extremely danceable. Familiar cadences provide a soundtrack for the audiences’ collective high or surprising mixes enliven the crowd. The audience of individuals bopping their heads on their personal cloud nine can be transformed by masterful DJs who provide the kiss that wakes sleeping beauty, reviving her with hip grinding moves and waving arms.

The major acts touted at Electron, Geneva’s 8th annual festival of electronic music, represented the crème de la crème—Diplo, Caribou, Beardyman. Most everyone else was forgettable, even in the moment. Venues emptied and filled in response to quality or lack thereof, showing that despite the hour and possibly altered reality, the audience remained discerning. In true Francophone fashion, the revelers had a commitment to smoking not seen since the canton-wide ban came into effect in late 2009.

The event’s timing—over Easter weekend—and the prices, ranging from 45 to 60 Swiss francs per night (52 to 69 US Dollars)—unsurprisingly affected attendance and ambience.  Despite the rain, outdoor queues were uncovered, perhaps a ploy to entice the crowd onto the dance floor. One can only hope that what looked like disorganization and felt like trickery will be improved on the next go round. 

By Erika Anderson